Comment by mattclarkdotnet
2 months ago
Good god that’s awful. Like really? And people go along with this? Have they not ever had and actual raspberry?
2 months ago
Good god that’s awful. Like really? And people go along with this? Have they not ever had and actual raspberry?
Two things:
- it's usually sold as "blue raspberry", not "raspberry"; so you know that it's nothing natural here
- it's mostly used in soft-drinks or other foods that are ~~nothing~~ anything but natural
So my guess is that nobody was thinking they were buying something made of actual rasperries; they knew that they were buying something 100% artificial like "mango madness" or "knockout fruit punch"
So nothing but natural, eh? Maybe you meant anything but natural. :)
Oups, you're right; thanks for pointing out my mistake!
Have you had blue raspberry? It's better than actual raspberry, which is why people go along with it.