Comment by duckmysick

2 months ago

I organize them by the color, either rainbow-style or from darker to brighter.

> it wouldn’t be organised properly, I would struggle to find anything.

Libraries solve this with the Dewey Decimal Classification. Most people don't have enough books for it make sense though.

For me, I don't have that many paper books and the ones I own I know by the side and the color. I keep the books that I reference often in a separate place. I noticed I don't need to find all of the books, all of the time. So organize most of your books to look pretty.

You can also group similar books together on a single shelf and then order them by color. For example I have a dozen of cookbooks and those go on a separate shelf, arranged in a rainbow. I also have a book series that goes neatly together, so I keep them it grouped too.

I also organize my clothes like that too. By general category first (t-shirts, pants, socks, jackets), and then by color.

I used to be extremely messy too (piles of clothes and documents, cardboard boxes, you know the deal). I turned it around after I read the Marie Kondo book "The life-changing Magic of Tidying up". Then after I got the mess under control I look at the pictures for inspiration how to make it aesthetically pleasing. I got a lot of ideas from Pinterest (I know, I know), but you can do an image search or check the organization subreddits too.