Comment by ElevenLathe
2 months ago
Care to elaborate? IME this is fairly common. Do you just mean that you guessed that it was in America?
2 months ago
Care to elaborate? IME this is fairly common. Do you just mean that you guessed that it was in America?
Correct. The abundancy of ice cream for dessert everynight just sets the mental imagery for a big american family.
They're probably guessing italy.
I assumed Detroit (or possibly...Pontiac) from the Pontiac reference. I think this is right, as I can't find any reference to a Pontiac engineering division in Italy before the late 70s (which AIUI is when electronic fuel injection become a standard feature, and the described vapor lock issue couldn't really happen). Is ice cream after dinner really a peculiarly American/Italian habit?
If all I saw was "we eat ice cream for dessert", I'm not sure I'd be able to get a geolocation any more precise than "Earth".
The Pontiac in question was the car brand. Someone, somewhere, who drove a Pontiac and ate ice cream for dinner wrote the letter to GM.
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its the 'every night' that is unusual
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