Comment by macromaniac

1 month ago

>you just depend on everyone you know for play testing constantly

I had this problem, didn't figure out the solution till the end of the project- it's bots. Even bad bots are HUGELY important for multiplayer game development because now you can iterate every second instead of every week. I thought bots would be too hard to make for my game, but they really weren't as they don't even have to be good. With LLMs i'm fairly sure almost any type of game can be botted at this point too.

Almost any type of game can and has been botted since forever, nothing to do with LLMs

  • I more meant like now you can bot word or story type multiplayer games too e.g. if you were designing a codenames or a mafia style party game or something. 95% of the time though ya you are just doing basic AI logic, go towards objective, attack nearby enemies, avoid nearby danger, etc