Comment by basfo

2 months ago

For action games doesn't look like a good option. But i think it will be used if it works well on any surface.

Probably there will be a resurgence of point and click adventure games pushed by the new mouse functionality (or even republish some old sierra/lucas arts stuff with mouse support).

Also may be useful for pc ports like simcity clones and strategy games (i could use that in civ).

Some propietary nintendo stuff will use it like mario maker or wario ware, some zelda dungeon probably will have a gimmick around it. And also some small indy third party stuff, like i don't know, mini motorways, things like that, will be built arround it.

It could be nice for FPS.

The current motion controls for the pro controller work well, but a mouse + single hand controller setting could work as well.

  • It would be great if games implemented it for aiming, but I am not sure that they will for sure. Given how few third party developers add a gyro-aiming option when they release a game on the console when most first party games have it in some way.

    It will make for an interesting dynamic for games with cross-play with other consoles where implemented though.

    • We could hope that Nintendo exposes a mouse like interface when it's in mouse mode, which could help a lot for adoption for cross platform third-parties.

      Dealing with Switch specific gyro info, sometimes coming from two sources sometimes from one must have been a PITA, especially for games using a cross platform engine.

I'm hoping for an RTS comeback.

  • that would be cool.

    I would like the command & conquer/red alert remaster on switch.

    Maybe Microsoft releases aoe2 since they are open to release games on other platforms now?