Comment by slightwinder

2 months ago

Newsfeeds are really nice, I utilize them now 20 Years or so (RIP old Bloglines). But it's a bit sad that there is no really good newsreader for it. I also used to use Usenet in the 90s and early 2000, so my view on this is a bit different, maybe. But all the feedreaders I know are either very limited in abilities, or very cumbersome to use for more advanced features. It's really strange how there seem many technophile people are using and advocating for RSS, yet all the tools are more barebone and very simple.

Reeder if you're on MacOS/iOS. Most beautiful RSS client on the market. Feedly for a web client (paid sub required though)

  • Reeder indeed looks beautiful.

    Feedly on the other hand makes me puke. Slow AF. AI plastered all over. Despite trying Pro+ tons of paywalled option which you learn require upgrade after you did feed setup.

    Feedly is horrible.