Comment by istjohn
2 months ago
Palestinian Arabs within pre-1967 Israel are treated relatively well because Israel already dispelled enough of them in the Naqba to ensure that they will be demographically dominated by Jewish Israelis for the foreseeable future. The point is to ensure Jewish supremacy, which in a democracy requires Jewish plurality. The persecution of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza is a deliberate process aimed at slowly enlarging the territory Israel can claim without losing a Jewish plurality.
This also explains why Israel has pursued genocide in Gaza. The Israeli project, in so far as it is a project to invert the population inequality between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine, is almost genocidal by definition. Once you maximize Jewish birth rates and incentivize Jewish immigration with birthright and similar policies, all that remains is to suppress Palestinian Arab birth rates and incentivize Palestinian Arab emmigration and yes, kill Palestinian Arabs--all that remains is genocide.
Its terrible, the Zionist simply didn't think there was an alternative after the Holocaust. One atrocities vs potential hundreds more over the millennia? It forecloses the possibility of a different kind of future, but its the only one that makes sense the way things are now. Its fear, all of it is fear for what might happen.