Comment by paulpauper
2 months ago
of course, no space x event is complete without the scam fake streams
It is incredibly to me that Google doesn't seem to give a shit about this. It would be so easy to fix.
Feels like one SpaceX could and should deal with by DMCAing the channels. Even if getting people watching their official channel instead isn't that important to them, stopping people rebroadcasting their content whilst faking their brand identity to scam people feels like the most legitimate reason for sending takedowns going...
They make new ones each time. By the time the stream is over, they’ve already promoted their shitcoins and don’t care what happens to the channel.
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The channels are usually with stolen credentials. i.e. when you see an Elon Musk stream on your home page, it's because a creator you Subscribe to had their channel taken over and the content replaced with fake Musk streams.
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Reminds me of the train wreck of searching for “ChatGPT” or “OpenAI” on the apple App Store — all scam results.
Actually similar to how Twitter used to be. (Of course now it has other problems.)
What problems does it have now?
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look similar. the same person milking google for ads money? must be another service providing fake 'watches' and 'subscriptions'.
Youtube key stakeholders' KPIs improve as well the Youtube ad revenue. I don't understand what you're on about. (/s)
All of the downsides of a heavily censored and politically editorialized platform, with none of the anti-fraud upsides.
Where do they get channels with half a million subs? Are those hacked?
to be clear, it seems like the feed on some of these are scraped from official ones, but include links to crypto "giveaway" scams.
it's funny how good the algorithm is to recommend this to you so you (I) can report it
Are these YT channels just mirroring the official one?
There is pretty much always at least one "live" "spacex" stream on Youtube. Typically with lots of viewers. This has been going on for years.
Google/Alphabet just sucks and should be dissected.
They were mirroring Twitter stream and switched to Elon talking about crypto within 10 seconds of the launch. Don't ask me how I know.
at least some do, but they are also inserting links to crypto scams.
Yes they stop the stream at some point and the viewer must pay crypto to continue the stream.
That’s hilarious
I blame SpaceX for this as they do not have official youtube stream. This is just amateurish.
They used to, before Musk bought Twitter.