Comment by BeetleB

2 days ago

Back when I heavily used RSS feed readers, the solution was simple:

1. Unsubscribe from feeds that put out too much content.

2. Optionally put them in their own category and ensure the main "view" doesn't include those items.

3. Realizing that overoptimizing for consuming the best content is (or at least should be) a sign of suboptimal mental health.

4. Timeboxing: Decide you'll spend no more than 30 minutes (even less is better) on them per day, and be OK missing out on everything you couldn't catch up on.

5. Ponder seriously about the value you are getting from doing this vs what else you could be doing. Do you want to spend this much time (whatever it is) daily when you are 50? 60? At some point, you may realize there are diminishing returns to keeping this up.

As I learned in the last year or two, consuming offline content is significantly superior than consuming blogs and news:

In order of importance I'd put them exactly in reverse :)

And I'd add:

6. Stop thinking of yourself as a consumer. A consumer blindly ingurgitates whatever's fed to them. You're a customer. With tastes and personal opinions. They depend on you to make a living, not you on them. And an unhappy customer moves their business elsewhere, doesn't stay on forever like being a consumer implies.