Comment by danpalmer
2 months ago
It's constantly surprising to me that this one aspect of software appearance is a hill that the industry has collectively decided to die on.
We can't agree to use colours that are unambiguous for colourblind folks, we can't agree to use sufficient contrast in our UIs, we can't agree to use big enough touch targets, most companies are truly awful at accessibility... and yet everyone wants dark mode, and most companies implement it. How much time have we lost as an industry making interfaces harder to read?
Dark mode is an accessibility feature for myself, and many others I would imagine.
Calling it dark mode might not be ideal though. We should probably call it something like system theme awareness, or anything that doesn’t make the reader to think “gee, that’s not the theme I like.”
Prefers-color-scheme exists. It’s not that hard.
Before installing Noir on iOS, I always appreciated opening HN, or any website without dark mode, and feeling my eyes melting even on lowest brightness setting. Great and easy to read! Thanks for keeping my eyes I check!