Comment by dakom
3 days ago
Imagine actually living in Israel where I bought my meds yesterday from an Arab pharmacist and watched my kids play in the park the other day with Muslim (presumably Arab) children.
I really wish the world would stay out of an issue they know nothing about.
The very word "Palestinian" is _ridiculous_, there is no such nation, it's literally the Arabs who seek war and rejected every offer of peace from Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon.
Look at the Jordanian flag next to the "Palestine" one. Google where Arafat was born. Look at the actual Hamas charter which says to kill every Jew no matter what.
Arabs and Muslims who do not want to annihilate Israel absolutely 100% do enjoy equal rights here. I live here. I see it first-hand nearly every day of my life. It's a democratic country. Arabs and Muslims are in the Knesset. Whether or not they should be in a Jewish homeland is a different discussion, fact is they are.
Odds are your "Palestinian" friend was offered the opportunity for Israeli citizenship and rejected it because he's been brainwashed by a downright stupid narrative of a national identity that never existed until the 1960's when all out war failed.
I buy my medicine from Arabs and chill in parks with Muslims, but then I have to run into a bomb shelter multiple times a week and cope with the 19 year old in my neighborhood who got killed fighting homicidal maniacal terrorists.
So, no, this isn't about hating an ethnic group. Palestinians are not an ethnic group. It's about hating antisemetism and the pattern that keeps happening throughout history where people choose to hate Jews so much they make up all kinds of nonsense to justify it.
> So, no, this isn't about hating an ethnic group
Several statements you make contradict this & just because you "buy medicines from Arabs" and "chill in the park with Muslims" doesn't change the fact.
To watch cognitive dissonance like this is wild.
> Look at the actual Hamas charter
You looked at Likud's? Otmza Yehudit's? What the Kahanists in the Knesset, in the IDF say and do? Or, do you turn a blind eye?
> really wish the world would stay out
The World created this issue by imposing a partition on peoples that didn't want it. Too bad for y'all that you can't handle external assessments but that's how this works.
> 100% do enjoy equal rights here.
And that's just the Bedouins.
And that's just the 48ers protesting the govt. They're the Arabs you "hangout" with, and this how they live ("as good Arabs").
> fighting homicidal
> maniacal
> terrorists
Who? Hasmonaim? Nahal Haredi?
Lol, you're clueless, I served in Nahal Hareidi myself. Directly. And you're going to try and spin me on this? Sickening.
I was directly ordered to NEVER attack civilians. In fact, I was even ordered to NEVER shoot terrorists unless they shoot first. In cases of clear danger but no shots (like someone approaching with a knife), the orders were to shoot in the air with a warning, then if necessary try to shoot in the legs.
As a Nahal Hareidi soldier I went on a patrol in a village, with Druze drivers, and was instructed to only use rubber bullets when we were attacked with rocks.
Speaking of rocks, the quote I am talking about from the Hamas charter is:
"Article 7: "The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."" [Page 4]
So.. either you're deliberately twisting the narrative to suit your agenda, or you're ignorant.
I want to believe the latter based on your handle, but you misquoted too many sources for me to believe that's the case.
Just another antisemite looking for evidence to support a blood libel when there is no evidence at all.
But, hey, let's go further. Even if you go to the absolute extreme right, what Rabbi Meir Kahane actually said was that Israel can't simultaneously exist as a Jewish state and a Western democracy because Arab population will gain too much voting power and abolish the Rabbanut's jurisdiction over things like shemittah, marriage, etc.
It's a rational point, and he didn't have good solutions, he merely pointed out that the most peaceful logical solution was cooperative resettlement of Arabs outside of Israel. Not forced. I am not saying I agree with his policy, I am saying it was not one of genocide.
Some of his followers took to violence, but even that was typically based on the reality of ongoing skirmishes, and we're talking extremely small numbers. You probably have more representation per capita of violent gangs in America. Doesn't reflect the norm by any means, not even of Kahane supporters, nevermind normative Israeli government.
Genocide was never the policy of Israel, comparing it to Hamas is disgusting.
Yes- it actually matters that I can "chill" with Arab Muslims in Israel but I would get murdered in Gaza based on my nationality and/or religion alone. It really makes a difference.
> Lol, you're clueless, I served in Nahal Hareidi myself.
That's not me sanctioning the Nahal Haredi citing activity akin to torturing civilians, but the US Government.
> was directly ordered to NEVER attack civilians
You should know that "direct orders" are rarely given?
> even if you go to the absolute extreme right
I mean, haven't they long proclaimed, "better a living Judeo-Nazi than a dead saint"? I'd not go bat for them, if I were you.
> It's a rational point, and he didn't have good solutions, he merely pointed out that the most peaceful logical solution was cooperative resettlement of Arabs outside of Israel. Not forced. I am not saying I agree with his policy, I am saying it was not one of genocide.
Btw, the leader of the Third Reich started with the intention to ethnically cleanse before Himmler lodged a different plan. Besides:
> Just another antisemite...
1 reply →
Yeah, just proving me right, you had to come in with "Palestinians don't even exist" in a comment thread about my friend who had to delay his graduation because of Israel's control of Palestine, and then think it's crazy people accuse Israel of genocide.
> lived experience ... they start by crying
Some Israelis themselves (who are also living the same "experience") are sounding the alarm bells, or (in your language) "crying" to be heard.