Comment by jppope

2 months ago

False dichotomy, and not a great analogy. I see what the author is going for but they could have used to stress test their ideas before clicking "publish."

Just for fun let me pose: Where would a Michelin star chef perform better? Whats the equivalent of fast casual or fine dining? Does the type of cuisine influence the outcomes???

I agree with the fun. The fancy restaurant offers a complete experience but if we look only at the food the Michelin star chef cooks very different things at home. The most lame constraint I hear is that to get the stars the kitchen must be French.

I thought it was a good analogy, it made sense in the context of the article.

Any analogy looks like a bad analogy if you stretch it beyond the authors intent and make out like that's somehow their fault or problem.

I think it's interesting to try think about including the chef in the analogy, but I don't want to entertain you because I feel like the tone of your post was unnecessarily rude, essentially: "duuuh, did you even read your stuff before pressing post, idiot."