Comment by bryanlarsen

2 months ago

RedNote was #1 on the App Store download list for a couple of days.

So was this app at one point in time:

It's called Dispo. You probably haven't heard of it because it became almost irrelevant a few weeks after launch. #1 on the app store doesn't mean a whole lot.

  • RedNote is a bit different: it has been wildly popular in China for a number of years, and the Chinese community has been using it overseas already.

    It may not retain all the new users, but it is not going to become irrelevant.

    • I agree. But I'm just saying that #1 on the app store doesn't preclude something from being a fad and my guess is that in 1 month's time, no one is going to be talking about RedNote outside of Chinese communities.

How many of those downloads originated in China? Genuine question, I read the article and it doesn't say. Apple's App Store is available in China, and China's population alone could be skewing those numbers.

  • App store top apps are per-region. And China one likely even running on completely different infrastructure because CCP.