Comment by switchbak

2 months ago

> It's the most alienating and pessimism-inducing thing

Not using a smart phone makes you feel like that?

Have you tried going to a classroom full of young adults like yourself in the last eight to ten years, without using one? I did, for years. You'll feel like there's no point in trying to socialize with anyone most of the time, as there's a huge barrier between them and yourself. Even when the phones aren't physically involved, people are way, way less social now than back then. Engaging in spontaneous conversations or interactions with people you aren't really familiar with is something that isn't seen in a positive light as much anymore. It's even panic-inducing or seen as ill-advised for many people, in environments that should be very conducive to such things, and safe for them to take place (college, for instance).

  • I'm haven't been in the young adult category for a few years now :)

    What you describe fills me with really bad feelings. I truly feel bad for all that the younger generations are missing, and what we're losing as a species.

    I'm still holding out hope that we'll see a bit of a social antibody reaction to the corporate takeover of the social sphere. I see some hope amongst younger folks, but it's pretty dire, and your descriptions make me less hopeful.

    Tech is fun to play with, sure, but if the cost is that we lose our humanity when in each others presence - well I'd rather throw most of it in the trash. We're unconsciously throwing away much of what it means to be human - and all for the sake of some corporate profit. It's like a social suicide.

  • Ah, so it makes you feel like that because of the phone use and antisocial tendencies of others. That makes sense.

    I'm truly worried for us.