Comment by Cthulhu_

2 months ago

To add, there's a huge politically motivated anti-China movement going on right now, to the point where anything Chinese sounds scary or suspicious. This has been going on for years now, but only came to my awareness with the Huawei scare (as of today, no evidence was found that they did come loaded with backdoors and the like - but do correct me if I'm wrong, this is based on what I remember, not researched facts).

I mean I don't trust the Chinese, but neither do I trust the Americans so it's choose your flavour of evil.

Anyway that said, I'm sure it's politically and economically motivated, as for decades China has played catch-up in the global economy and they are rapidly overtaking, with financial interests worldwide. The US is trying to slow them down by trying to keep e.g. chip technology out of their hands, but other than that all they can do is to stop Chinese companies from earning money in the US.

Honestly there are so many claims about Huawei but I think the loudest ones were about the 5G network which were BS but there were some that were legit, and this is exactly my point - it’s exhausting to check this stuff, so the vast majority of people either believe it all or none. For example it seems like the Supermicro spy chip thing has truth to it (it feels the thing OP was rebutting was inspired by this story), though it’s unclear, it’s very much based on statements from 3 letter agencies, so I just have to guess, yes probably China got their manufacturers to install hardware spyware on some devices.

These days, all countries are doing insane digital spying on other countries. I believe we’re in a modern Cold War. China is a unique threat not because there’s something uniquely evil about them but they own so much manufacturing and have an explicit tight relationship between companies and government. This is the main reason for moving manufacturing to US, nobody really cares about the workers, it’s a security threat.

All that can be true, and still also be true that most of the shit you hear about China is BS and xenophobic. It leads to actual violence and racism. That’s why it’s important to push back against, for the regular people just living their life. I’m never going to defend any country, these are battles the very richest people are fighting it’s not my war, I push back so don’t people don’t act as foot soldiers in their war or become collateral damage for something they have no part of.