There's absolutely no need for JavaScript on a page that has a text input and two buttons and that has worked without JS for three decades. Given Google's reputation for privacy and the constant attempts at selling their users out, it's fair to assume that the reason they're requiring JavaScript is not noble.
Is JavaScript is now evil?
There's absolutely no need for JavaScript on a page that has a text input and two buttons and that has worked without JS for three decades. Given Google's reputation for privacy and the constant attempts at selling their users out, it's fair to assume that the reason they're requiring JavaScript is not noble.
> There's absolutely no need for JavaScript on a page that has a text input and two buttons
The whole web is evil then. Hacker news has JavaScript for simple upvote buttons, is it also evil?
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Okay. But is it evil?
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Javascript is like Flash-lite. Is it evil? No. It's great, even.
What every last commercial site uses it for IS evil, without a doubt.
It's literally almost an anagram of Satan's Armpits.
It uses a lot of data, it is a security risk, it is a privacy risk, and it forces you to throw away your old devices.
how much extra data does JS on google use vs without JS? We must be talking about kb that are probably also cached.
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No, limiting user freedom as to whether or not to use it is.
It is in Google’s hands
Javascript has always been evil.
Yeah, roughly since 1996.
Always has been.
If you had to estimate percentage of the web could exist without losing functionality without using JavaScript?
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