Comment by ForHackernews

2 months ago

> If it makes you more money to be available 24/7 then why wouldn't you?

This is the question, right? Is there anything we won't do to make money?

We used to put 9 year olds down the mines. Those little kids are good in the small tunnels. Why wouldn't you use them most profitably?

> you need to send messages to a few folks that they need to see by the evening, but the platform won't come online until 3pm, which means you'll need to interrupt your afternoon family time instead?

I guess I'm old, but I remember when there were polite hours to call people on the phone and times that you just did not call. The world carried on fine for centuries before 24/7 instant messaging became a thing.

> Having services that are reliable is one of the things that distinguishes developed countries from developing ones.

Do you think that a business that has published hours and adheres to them is "unreliable"?