Comment by asddubs

2 months ago

The notion that this kind of thing couldn't happen in the west is laughable

Or this: "A former forensic scientist intentionally manipulated DNA evidence during her 29-year career at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, casting doubt on at least 652 criminal cases she handled, including some of the most high-profile trials, according to investigation findings released by the agency Friday." [0]


  • You chime in to showcase another thing where the USA is wrong, but you oversee the point that in no way russia is comparable to this.

    In the article you linked, there is a criminal investigation, an audit and a re-test of evidence in order “to ensure the accuracy and completeness of its entire catalog of records because someone manipulated DNA evidence.

    In russia, there is no investigation, because they make up evidence against their political enemies all the time. It feels like you have some incentive to miss the elephant in the room.

The notion that the judicial system in democratic countries is in any way comparable to the judicial system in the dictatorship of russia is laughable.

In democratic countries such errors with regards to forensic evidence spark news because it is so unusual. In dictatorships like russia, nobody expects forensic methods to be valid because the court verdict does not depend on evidence, it depends on your connections to the dictator.

  • I'm not interested in figuring out which judicial system is worse, I'm sure russia would win. But you give the western system far too much credit, because the police frequently rely on unscientific methods to convict people, even after this fact has been known. Not just the article I linked, polygraphs, drug searching dogs which also have been shown not to actually be effective but mostly respond to their handlers. I don't know what things are like in russia, but for sure I do not like people pretending there is no problem because other places are worse. And I have very little hope AI won't be the next thing on that list.

    • >which judicial system is worse, I'm sure russia would win

      Having indefinite moratorium on the death penalty is a big plus though.