Comment by greenie_beans

2 months ago

i'm trying to do this with and i'm prototyping the coop with sweet clay bc the business is a side hustle and good for experimenting. and then i'll apply it to bookhead since that business has more earning potential and i wanna get the membership stuff right before risking that. setting up the legal stuff takes money that i could use for other stuff that could maybe bring revenue, so it's tricky situation, especially if you need labor asap. and it takes time to research/design governance and equity etc.

i wish there was stripe atlas for coops if anybody would like to start a new cooperative. i emailed the stripe PM asking for this and they said it's not on their roadmap. businesses in america are designed to be organized as capitalist enterprises so there are some extra things a coop needs to do which takes time and money.

would be cool to make an open source "stripe atlas for coops" project and help other coops start up. i'm too busy right now but could do the project if i had some collaborators. email me if you're interested in a project like this.