Comment by gundmc
16 hours ago
What do you mean by "barely" respecting robots.txt? Wouldn't that be more binary? Are they respecting some directives and ignoring others?
16 hours ago
What do you mean by "barely" respecting robots.txt? Wouldn't that be more binary? Are they respecting some directives and ignoring others?
I believe that a number of AI bots only respect robot.txt entries that explicitly define their static user agent name. They ignore wildcards in user agents.
That counts as barely imho.
I found this out after OpenAI was decimating my site and ignoring the wildcard deny all. I had to add entires specifically for their three bots to get them to stop.
Even some non-profit ignore it now, Internet Archive stopped respecting it years ago:
IA actually has technical and moral reasons to ignore robots.txt. Namely, they want to circumvent this stuff because their goal is to archive EVERYTHING.
4 replies →
As I recall, this is outdated information. Internet Archive does respect robots.txt and will remove a site from its archive based on robots.txt. I have done this a few years after your linked blog post to get an inconsequential site removed from
This is highly annoying and rude. Is there a complete list of all known bots and crawlers?
Amazonbot doesn't respect the `Crawl-Delay` directive. To be fair, Crawl-Delay is non-standard, but it is claimed to be respected by the other 3 most aggressive crawlers I see.
And how often does it check robots.txt? ClaudeBot will make hundreds of thousands of requests before it re-checks robots.txt to see that you asked it to please stop DDoSing you.
One would think they'd at least respect the cache-control directives. Those have been in the web standards since forever.
Here's Google, complaining of problems with pages they want to index but I blocked with robots.txt.