Comment by ThinkBeat

14 hours ago

The best way to fight this would not to block them, that does not cause Amazon/others anything. (clearly).

What if instead it was possible to feed the bots clearly damaging and harmfull content?

If done on a larger scale, and Amazon discovers the poisoned pills they could have to spend money rooting it out, quick like, and make attempts to stop their bots to ingest it.

Of course nobody wants to have that tuff on their own site though. That is the biggest problem with this.

> What if instead it was possible to feed the bots clearly damaging and harmfull content?

With all respect, you're completely misunderstanding the scope of AI companies' misbehaviour.

These scrapers already gleefully chow down on CSAM and all other likewise horrible things. OpenAI had some of their Kenyan data-tagging subcontractors quit on them over this. (2023, Time)

The current crop of AI firms do not care about data quality. Only quantity. The only thing you can do to harm them is to hand them 0 bytes.

You would go directly to jail for things even a tenth as bad as Sam Altman has authorized.

Why is it my responsibility to piss into the wind because these billionaire companies keep getting to break the law with impunity?