Comment by inopinatus

2 months ago

It doesn't matter which word. Which I should confess makes my remark above appear, in retrospect, to be something of a trap; because when parsing ambiguity, it's a matter of simple courtesy and wisdom to choose the interpretation that best illustrates the point rather than complaining about the ones that don't.

I say this not merely to be a pompous smartass but also because it illustrates and echoes the very same problem the top-level comment embodies, viz. that some folks struggle with vernacular, nonliteral, imprecise, and nonlinear language constructs. Yet grasping this thistle to glark one's grok remains parcel-and-part of comprehension and complaining about it won't remeaningify the barb'd disapprehensible.

Your disappointment, nevertheless, seems reasonable, because the outcome was, after all, a bait-and-route.