Comment by willis936

2 months ago

>I'm not sure what "any positive value is greater than zero" means

It means that traditional media is a one way information valve and social media is not. Built into the information medium is the inability to know what people think. It's at most a reflection of what a small number of people think.

>Part of the cause is you

Incorrect. I do not participate in the creation of traditional media or social media. I cannot be part of the problem of trust being eroded away. That responsibility rests solely on the shoulders of those guiding discourse.

> I do not participate in the creation of traditional media or social media. I cannot be part of the problem of trust being eroded away. That responsibility rests solely on the shoulders of those guiding discourse.

We are part of society. The outcomes are our responsibility and within our power - why do you think so many spend so much to manipulate public opinion? Even just posting here will spread narratives and influence others.

  • You're giving an awfully generous pass at those actually guilty of narrative control.

    • I don't meant to give them a pass - you are, by not doing anything about it. They love to hear that you won't do anything, that you'll just complain. So what?