Comment by upmind 2 months ago I can't think of a reason why it would improve productivity, can you think of anything? 1 comment upmind Reply corank 2 months ago Perhaps these 1. Stress relief 2. Makes boring work a bit more interesting 3. Rubber duck debugging 4. A small amount of distraction might actually boost productivity by allowing us to jump out of a local optimum?
corank 2 months ago Perhaps these 1. Stress relief 2. Makes boring work a bit more interesting 3. Rubber duck debugging 4. A small amount of distraction might actually boost productivity by allowing us to jump out of a local optimum?
Perhaps these 1. Stress relief 2. Makes boring work a bit more interesting 3. Rubber duck debugging 4. A small amount of distraction might actually boost productivity by allowing us to jump out of a local optimum?