Comment by mlyle

2 months ago

> The first plane ever flies, and people think "we can fly to the moon soon!". Yet powered flight has nothing to do with space travel, no connection at all.

You eventually said winged flight much later-- trying to make your point a little more defensible. That's why I started explaining to you the very big connections between powered flight and space travel ;)

I pretty much completely disagree with your wall of text, and it's not a very well reasoned defense of your prior handwaving. I'm going to move on now.

Yet powered flight has nothing to do with space travel, no connection at all. Gliding in the air via low/high pressure doesn't mean you'll get near space, ever, with that tech. No matter how you try.

Winged flight == "low/high pressure" flight, it's how an airplane wing works and provides lift.

  • Maybe you just said what you wanted to say extremely poorly. Like "wing technology doesn't get you closer to space." I mean, of course, fins and distribution of pressure are important, but a relatively small piece.

    On the other hand, powered flight and the things we started building for powered flight got us to the moon. "Powered flight" got us to turbojets, and turbomachinery is the number one key space launch technology.

    Anyways, bye.

    • Maybe you just said what you wanted to say extremely poorly.

      Or maybe you didn't read closely? You claimed I didn't mention winged flight, yet I mentioned that and the method of winged flight. Typically, that means you say "Oh, sorry, I missed that" instead of blaming others.

      I have refuted technology paths in prior posts. Refute those comments if you wish, but just restating your position without refuting mine doesn't seem like it will go anywhere.

      And if you don't want a reply? Just stop talking. Don't play the "Oh, I'm going to say things, then say 'bye' to induce no response" game.

      Just debate fairly.

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