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Comment by pigscantfly

17 days ago

This isn't really true unfortunately -- mixture of experts routing seems to suffer from batch non-determinism. No one has stated publicly exactly why this is, but you can easily replicate the behavior yourself or find bug reports / discussion with a bit of searching. The outcome and observed behavior of the major closed-weight LLM APIs is that a temperature of zero no longer corresponds to deterministic greedy sampling.

If temperature is zero, and weights are weights, where is the non-deterministic behavior coming from?

  • Temperature changes the distribution that is sampled, not if a distribution is sampled.

    Temperature changes the softmax equation[1], not weather or not you are sampling from the softmax result or choosing the highest probability. IBM's documentation corroborates this, saying you need to set do_sample to True in order for the temperature to have any effect, e.g., T changes how we sample, not if we sample [2].

    A similar discussion on openai forum also claim that the RNG might be in a different state from run to run, although I am less sure about that [3]

    [1] https://pelinbalci.com/2023/10/16/Temperature_parameter.html

    [2] https://www.ibm.com/think/topics/llm-temperature#:~:text=The...

    [3] https://community.openai.com/t/clarifications-on-setting-tem...

    • I have dealt with traditional ML models in the past and things like tensorflow non-reproducibility. Managed to make them behave reproducibly. This is a very basic requirement. If we cannot even have that or people who deal with Gemini or similar models do not even know why they don't deliver reproducible results ... This seems very bad. It becomes outright unusable for anyone wanting to do research with reliable result. We already have a reproducibility crisis, because researchers often do not have the required knowledge to properly handle their tooling and would need a knowledgeable engineer to set it up. Only that most engineers don't know either and don't show enough attention to the detail to make reproducible software.

    • Your response is correct. However, you can choose to not sample from the distribution. You can have a rule to always choose the token with the highest probability generated by the softmax layer.

      This approach should make the LLM deterministic regardless of the temperature chosen.

      P.S. Choosing lower and lower temperatures will make the LLM more deterministic but it will never be totally deterministic because there will always be some probability in other tokens. Also it is not possible to use temperature as exactly 0 due to exp(1/T) blowup. Like I mentioned above, you could avoid fiddling with temperature and just decide to always choose token with highest probability for full determinism.

      There are probably other more subtle things that might make the LLM non-deterministic from run to run though. It could be due to some non-deterministism in the GPU/CPU hardware. Floating point is very sensitive to ordering.

      TL;DR for as much determinism as possible just choose token with highest probability (i.e. dont sample the distribution).

  • Here probably routing would be dominating, but in general, unless I missed all the vendors ditching GPUs and switching to ASICs optimized for fixed precision math, floating points are still non-commutative therefore results are non-deterministic wrt. randomness introduced by parallelising the calculations.

    • Of course which part of the calculations happens where should also be specifiable and be able to be made deterministicor should not have an effect on the result. A map reduce process' reduce step, merging results from various places also should be able to be made to give reproducible results, regardless of which results arrive first or from where.

      Is our tooling too bad for this?

      1 reply →

    • Why would the same software on the same GPU architecture use different commutations from run to run?

      Also if you're even considering fixed point math, you can use integer accumulators to add up your parallel chunks.

      6 replies →

  • I recently attended a STAC conference where they claimed the GPUs themselves are not deterministic. The hand-wavy speculation is they need to temperature control the cores and the flop ops may be reordered during that process. (By temperature I mean physical temperature, not some nn sampling parameter). On such large scale of computation these small differences can show up in the actually different tokens.

    • I can assure you this isn't true. Having worked with GPUs for many years in an application where consist results are important it's not only possible but actually quite easy to ensure consistent inputs produce consistent results. The temperature and clock speed do not affect the order of operations, only the speed, and this doesn't affect the results. This is the same as with any modern CPU which will also adjust clock for temperature.

  • The parent is suggesting that temperature only applies at the generation step, but the choice of backend “expert model” that a request is given to (and then performs the generation) is non-deterministic. Rather than being a single set of weights, there are a few different sets of weights that constitute the “expert” in MoE. I have no idea if that’s true, but that’s the assertion

    • I don't think it makes sense? Somewhere there has to be a RNG for that to be true. MOE itself doesn't introduce randomness, and the routing to experts is part of the model weights, not (I think) a separate model.

      3 replies →

  • I have seen numbers come differently in JAX just depending on the batch size, simply because the compiler optimizes to a different sequence of operations on the hardware.