Comment by cpymchn

16 days ago

What's new here?

As mentioned in the article, Salt Typhoon and the recency of this request by the UK. At this point they should know better.

My pet theory is anytime the US wants to do something illegal under US law, they simply ask the UK to do it and vice versa. That's why Salt Typhoon isn't and never will be a lesson learned.

I recommend Susan Landau as the goto person on this. She recently spoke with Lawfare on the current state of play.

[1] Susan Landau and Alan Rozenshtein Debate End-to-End Encryption (Again!)!)

It's not a pet theory, it's exactly how the Five-Eyes system is meant to work. I remember when Total Information Awareness was announced and they even had a cool badge designed for the new govt department. It wasn't a popular idea.

It is actually Australia where the US goes to test out far-out legislative ideas before implementing them at home.

It's exactly how the five-eyes information sharing works.

Participants spy on each other's citizens on the other's behalf and share data, to avoid the legality of doing so to their own citizens.