Comment by filcuk
16 days ago
People here are very passive and used to being pulled around. It's insane how far people's rights have eroded already. No right to protest, no right for privacy - what's next on the chopping block?
16 days ago
People here are very passive and used to being pulled around. It's insane how far people's rights have eroded already. No right to protest, no right for privacy - what's next on the chopping block?
The impression I have is that (some) people in the UK protest but are ignored, vilified, or punished for it. And then nothing changes.
The last time I wrote to my MP, I got a form letter back basically saying "Don't bother contacting us, only The Party matters". (I mean, those weren't the words at all; but having had lame-but-bespoke messages back from them in the past, this was a noticeable and disheartening change).
No right to own money. That will be taken away when cash is phased out.
No right to be mean on social media, too.
Who defines what is mean? Oh yes, some unelected bureaucrat
Typically this is judges.
I’m not sure how accountability for the justice service would increase by adding more politics into the mix.