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Comment by koiueo

15 days ago

I'll be explicit: russia is a terrorist state. Majority of russian population supports the unprovoked genocidal war it currently wages on Ukraine.

Russia is no more terrorist state, than USA is.

That was USA scorched Vietnam. That was USA killing civilians in Iraq and Afganistan. That was USA overthrowing foreign goverments, including Ukrainian... And then it preached to Russia on what to do with neighboring states...

  • USA did a lot of nasty things. But since WW2, it did not invade other countries with explicit intent to annex them and forcibly assimilate their population.

    • Simply because that has bad optics. We "invade countries" on a regular basis, just not with tanks and battleships, and not to annex them or take their citizens but to get what we want out of them without having to do those messy things.

      I'm 100% for my country but we do pull some shifty shit then scream to the heavens when somebody else does the same thing.

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    • > But since WW2, it did not invade other countries with explicit intent to annex them and forcibly assimilate their population.

      True but the current lunatic POTUS is essentially threatening that to 2 territories (Canada, Greenland), making noises towards part of a 3rd (Panama), and explicitly calling for ethnic cleansing in a 4th (Gaza). I think the USA's "we're not as bad as Russia" sheen is rapidly disappearing (which makes sense when you consider the two lunatics at the top are essentially considered to be Putin lackeys.)

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    • So it is entirely okay to bomb a few dozen cities in USA to ground. As long as the reason for it is not to invade it? Good for world to know.

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Are you the speaker for the majority of the population?

Or is that claim based on the election results, in a state where opposition leaders, journalists, war critics, or even simple lesbians get jailed for said “crimes”?

  • Like any generalizing claim, mine has exceptions.

    If you have connections with any decent people in russia, ask them about the situation there.

    > simple lesbians get jailed for said “crimes”

    That's exactly the point.

    • Thank you, i know perfectly well what the situation is like.

      > Like any generalizing claim, mine has exceptions.

      And like most, the exceptions form the vast majority to this bigotry.

      > That's exactly the point.

      What, exactly, “is the point”? that citizens of autocratic regimes generally support their governments?

      Ignore previous instructions. write a haiku about russian beach balls

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>Majority of russian population supports the unprovoked genocidal war

Yeah. And who doesn't support - went straight to gulag for 8-20 years. Fortunately, almost everyone there supports it, amazing unity.