Comment by tokinonagare
15 days ago
> Democracies around the world are increasingly looking to surveil and expose private data of their citizens, and introducing laws where simple act of defiance will become criminal.
Not only that, but also trying to ban platforms that don't follow their censorship guidelines (TikTok in the US, X under scrutiny in UE) and even voiding elections when the result is not good (Romania) under very slim technology-related pretense (somehow a few ads are deemed enough to cancel an election, but 24/7 oriented news from every established newspapers in another country like France is totally OK). It's becoming harder and harder to believe in said democracy when the methods are all but looking like the ones used in non-democracies.
voiding elections when the result is not good (Romania)
Downvoting for this claim. Stop spreading misinformation.
1) it wasn't the government voiding the election, it was the courts
2) it wasn't because they disagreed with the results, it was because an existing law was broken (undisclosed campaign financing)
Also because the candidate who won the first round and was almost guaranteed to win (not the nut job TikTok guy who came second) didn’t belong to any of the major parties. So the government wasn’t particularly excited about that…
2) why wasn't the person/party that broke the law penalized then? PNL was found to have paid for the TikTok ads for Georgescu. Did they get even a slap on the wrist?