Comment by laowantong

9 days ago

A great addition to a field where there aren't many offerings: SQL Island ( and SQL Murder Mystery ( come to mind. The mechanism of SQL Noir is close to that of the latter, i.e., an undirected, essentially standalone adventure. I myself am working on SQLab, a SQL game engine that allows you to augment an arbitrary base with exercises on that base to produce directed, standalone adventures: You download a dump of the database (currently MySQL, SQLite, Postgres), and can play under any administrator interface. On the same page there's a link to the long police investigation I designed for my (French) students. If you're a teacher or researcher in the field, the principles of SQLab are explained here:

Great project, totally agree! Also further great projects posted here. I'll chip in here my project of an SQL Game Console that comes with a SQL Game Editor -- allowing students to build their own SQL escape game in the browser: . It's been fun trying this out in the class room (only available in German right now). Example game: