Comment by slashdev

9 days ago

Among regimes toppled, prosecutors fired, presidents and vice presidents impeached, domestic and foreign elections interfered with, and literally a hundred other disgraces. Yes, it’s worth it.

Oh, you’re worried about corruption and election interference?

One day you’ll realise and don’t be too hard on yourself then. You were not the only one.

  • If you have a point to make, make it. Don’t just take vague jabs at me.

    • Justa hunch, but my guess is that GP is referring to the fact that the Trump administration and Project 2025 is the most blatant and detrimental manifestation of evil and corruption that the modern western world has seen since WW2, they outline their plans to completely destroy all semblance of justice and public protection from the wealthiest country in the world while ensuring that a free and fair democratic election never takes place again (in our lifetimes at least), and it’s somewhat poetic that people were duped by propaganda into giving them the power they needed to bring an end to the United States of America as it has existed since it was founded because they were tired of being taken advantage of by the system as it was.

      It wasn’t perfect, but it’s going to look like a Utopia after these guys are done with us.

      2 replies →

  • I’m more inclined to agree with you but just being ominous doesn’t add any value to the discussion.

You know who else doesn't like our proficiency in toppling regimes, foreign election interference and the hundred other "disgraces"? Our enemies and adversaries, who of course do the same.

Funny that your sentiments align so closely with theirs, and that you're cheering on our disempowerment as much as they are.

  • this is an absurd comment to read in 2025. "tacitly support running anti-democratic black ops around the world or you're supporting the enemy!" is some PATRIOT Act 2001 era shit.

    • What's absurd is the idea that the U.S. needs to stand down its clandestine operations, as if our foreign adversaries aren't doing the same and wouldn't just run roughshod over us.

      I'm sorry that "Black ops" hurt your feelings, but the world is a rough place. There are meanies out there. We're not perfect, but I'll take America.

      But, here's an idea: why don't you get on your soapbox and tell the Russians or Chinese or Iranians to stand down first? Come back and let us know how it went.

      Indeed, "Americans" like you seem to be the only ones more excited than our adversaries about the prospect of defanging our national intelligence/security apparatus.

      Grow up. Seriously.