Comment by crossroadsguy

6 days ago

Wow. I didn't know about this (or might have, as I an obsession with trying to hunt for interesting online tools/services/things, but had never tried). Thank you for mentioning it here! This is awesome. I am loving 'Suburbs of Goa' station. Will explore more.

Also check out - Goa out the up the wazoo. Other electronic music too.

Also their sister sites of Jazz or Rock are your thing, link on their home page somewhere.

  • oh wow, nice to see that Digitally Imported is still in business. I used to listen to them like 20 years ago when it was still possible to stream DI through WinAMP :)

    Helped me get through University a lot

    • I started listening to them in the late 90s or early 2000s. These days I've been a subscriber for years. I even one time did their fun little puzzle they had in their view source that was a recruiting tool. (I did let them know I did it, but wasn't on the market lol)

  • I used to listen to Digitally Imported's Eurodance station a lot 10-15 years ago, but eventually it felt like I just kept hearing the same songs, that they never added any new music to it.