Comment by taurknaut
6 days ago
Dunking on people is like half the value of twitter-like platforms. I only go on twitter (or I'm guessing bluesky) to see politicians and journalists and pundits and celebrities get dunked on. It's a public square: open moderation of social values is half the point. It's the conflict that makes us stronger.
Haters will say dis/misinformation makes it not worth it, but i simply point out that it's the truly stupid people who speak the loudest and you need to look deeper. There's no going back to a world where for-profit media is above critique. The relentless violence in palestine firmly endorsed and enabled by western media has pretty much destroyed any faith I had that our for-profit media is capable of self-regulation. Dunking on these morons is a public good.
What we really need to figure out is a way to systemically encourage punching up, not down.
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