Comment by madaxe_again

4 days ago

I crushed my leg a few years ago, my wife and I dropped a bridge on it, and I suddenly had 200kg of steel and wood grind down the back of it, and the front slammed into a concrete footing.

Internally degloved my calf, broke my fibula, and took a chunk out of my tibia - and being me, decided to ice it, strap it, look out for compartmentalisation and rhabdomyolysis, and hobble around on it until it was better. Took about two months before I could walk normally.

I only know what I did to it because I dislocated my knee last year skiing, and they were thoroughly confused as to what they were looking at - had to explain that I mashed my leg and couldn’t be bothered wasting my time sitting in A&E for a few days.

Either way, it healed just fine with zero intervention. My calf is a slightly funny shape from the fascia still being bunched up around my ankle, but it doesn’t seem to do any harm, and the break to the fibula healed almost perfectly - slightly offset but works just fine.