Comment by thebabayaga29 2 days ago Cool product, I can imagine my engineers using it. Out of curiosity, how would you monitize that? 1 comment thebabayaga29 Reply adtac 2 days ago Flat pricing with unlimited requests hosted in the cloud ( also have an on-prem version of Subtrace for enterprises. It runs in their own AWS account without ever talking to so that companies in regulated industries like healthcare can use Subtrace.
adtac 2 days ago Flat pricing with unlimited requests hosted in the cloud ( also have an on-prem version of Subtrace for enterprises. It runs in their own AWS account without ever talking to so that companies in regulated industries like healthcare can use Subtrace.
Flat pricing with unlimited requests hosted in the cloud (
We also have an on-prem version of Subtrace for enterprises. It runs in their own AWS account without ever talking to so that companies in regulated industries like healthcare can use Subtrace.