Comment by blablabla123

2 days ago

This seems quite a bold claim that Microsoft proofed that Neutrinos are Majorana particles...

Huh? This has nothing to do with neutrinos.

  • The chip is literally called Microsoft Majorana 1

    Indeed Majorana fermions are completely unseen/unconsidered outside of Neutrinos. In fact all Standard Model fermions except Neutrinos are proven to be Dirac fermions

    • The Majorana particles in Microsoft's set-up are "quasi-particles". They aren't really fundamental particles, but excitations in the system which behave (roughly, in some appropriate sense) like particles. They aren't neutrinos.

      2 replies →

    • You are confusing quasiparticles with fundamental particles. If we were to observe a Majorana topological state, this would have no bearing on the properties of the neutrino.

      Also to say Majorana fermions are not considered outside of neutrinos is a patently ridiculous and ignorant statement. There is absolutely nothing in physics to say the only particle that can possibly be Majorana is a neutrino. For example, there have been theories of Majorana dark matter which are a consideration of fundamental Majorana particles outside of neutrinos.