Comment by Shorel
2 days ago
2005? You were in the right.
Today? Now that's when it is tricky. How can we know you are not one of these prompt "engineers" copy paster? That's the issue being discussed.
20 years and many new technologies of difference.
What is the functional difference between copying an AI answer and copying a StackOverflow answer, in terms of it being "cheating" during an interview?
I think the entire question is missing the forest for the trees. I have never asked a candidate to write code in any fashion during an interview. I talk to them. I ask them how they would solve problems, chase down bugs, or implement new features. I ask about concepts like OOP. I ask about what they've worked on previously, what they found interesting, what they found frustrating, etc.
Languages are largely teachable, it's just syntax and keywords. What I can't teach people is how to think like programmers need to: how to break down big, hard problems into smaller problems and implement solutions. If you know that, I can teach you fucking Swift, it isn't THAT complicated and there's about 5 million examples of "how do I $X" available all over the Internet.
> Languages are largely teachable, it's just syntax and keywords.
This is like "learning a natural language is just 'cramming vocabulary and grammar' - voila, you've become a fluent C1 speaker". :-)
Seriously: if you argue this way, you have only seen a very biased set of programming languages, and additionally, your knowledge of these programming languages is very superficial (i.e. you have never gotten to the "interesting"/"deep" concepts that make this particular programming language special, and which are hard to replicate in most other programming languages).
I think the argument is that for a good chunk of business work, you don't need to use the "interesting"/"deep" concepts. Sure, you'll need time to adapt to the idioms of the language you're using, but following examples you can be just as productive as others in a relatively short time.
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No, the comparison to natural languages is what is whack. If you understand the underlying concepts that programming languages pick and choose from as features, all you have to learn is what keywords map to those concepts and the language's syntax.
The comparison to natural languages would be if you could learn one language and then quickly pick up every other language of that "class" after learning how that single language works. That's not really how natural language works at all, but it does work with programming languages.
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In C, implicit type narrowing/widening behavior stumped me as a noob working on noob problems. “Deep C Secrets” was a revelation when I finally found it.
Then again, that’s C.
> Languages are largely teachable, it's just syntax and keywords.
That's only true for a subset of programming languages, and it requires you to already know how to program in at least another language of the same family. Knowing Java will not help you with Haskell, but it will help you with C#.
I have to deal with students using AI to cheat on homework and exams, and I can't allow them to not even learn the basic concepts.
They could convince you with buzzwords, get hired, and then feed all problems to the AI until it reaches a point where the codebase is too big for the context, and then all their prompt “engineering” experience is basically useless.
That is the future I am trying to prevent.
Until the AI can code a full system like SAP, or an Operating System, or a Photoshop clone, by itself, we need some people in the loop, and the more knowledgeable the people, the better.
> That's only true for a subset of programming languages
That's true, but most of the industry is running on a subset of programming languages.
I'm not arguing to let people cheat with AI. I'm saying asking people to write code in interviews is useless.
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> That's only true for a subset of programming languages, and it requires you to already know how to program in at least another language of the same family. Knowing Java will not help you with Haskell, but it will help you with C#.
In this context, to a large extent it holds. Yeah. It’s probably more true of mainstream languages roughly related to each other, but in an interview, you’re not testing for knowledge of syntax and keywords. You’re trying to test for ability to build and problem solve.
I share your concern about prompt “engineers” who don’t understand the underlying codebase, language or system. But I don’t know what to do about it in the context of a technical interview.