Comment by abecedarius
2 days ago
I had a similar setup eventually with Wycove Forth -- can't remember even the existence of TI Forth. Anyway playing with that was my foot in the door to a summer job at FORTH, Inc. as a teen.
Lost all of that code because my 99 system got stolen a few years later.
Oh man!
I still booted my system up occasionally when I had it to remind myself that you didn't have to write HUGE programs to do stuff.
Now, I want to write a text adventure game again. Where are my Turbo Pascal disks?
Didn't TI-Forth have a mode where it would use a 3x7 font so you could get 64 characters per line? I still have nightmares. But... you have to appreciate the work that went into it.
Really if I ever knew it existed, I've forgotten. But says yes on page 14. General discussion at
(I used Wycove Forth in 40-column mode, though I have a dim memory of trying something like your 3x7 font...)