Comment by dbrumbaugh

3 days ago

>Take maximum subarray problem, which can be optimally solved with Kadane's algorithm. If you don't know that, you are looking at the problem as Professor Kadane once did. I can't say for sure, but I suspect it took him longer than 30-45 minutes to come up with his solution, and I also imagine he didn't spend the whole time blabbering about his thought process.

This is something that drives me nuts in academia when it comes to exam questions. I once took an exam that asked us to invent vector clocks from whole cloth, basically, having only knowledge of a basic Lamport clock for context. I think one person got it--and that person had just learned about vector clocks in a different class. Given some time, it's possible I could have figured it out. But on an exam, you've got like 10-15 minutes per question.

The funny thing about it is that I do the same damn thing from the other side all the time when working with students. It's incredibly tempting once you know the solution to a problem (especially if you didn't "solve" it yourself, but had the solution presented to you already) to present the question as though it has an obvious solution and expect somebody else to immediately solve it.

I'm aware of the effect, I've experienced it many times, and I still catch myself doing it. I've never interviewed a candidate for a job, but I can only imagine how tempting it would be to fall into that trap.

Yes that's a tricky one.

When I'm interviewing a candidate, I'm often asking myself if this question is just something I happen to know therefor expect the candidate to know too, or if it's crucial to doing the job?

Sometimes it may not be fair to expect a random developer to be familiar with a specific concept. But at the same time it might be critical to the kind of work we're doing.