Ask HN: Anyone Else Having Problems with Cloudflare?

1 day ago

So for about the last month I noticed when I go to I get a 404 + an empty JSON object. The OCLC/worldcat guys have been helpful but I finally noticed their site is sitting behind CloudFlare and then I noticed half of the URLs I visit at and are borked. I tried to search CloudFlare's help page, but it requires you to log-in and (of course) I can't log in 'cause they've black-holed my IP or ASN. And while I have a call in with the CloudFlare sales staff, I'm not confident I'll get a response.

So... just curious... anyone else seeing this behaviour? Will I have to apply for a job with them so I can ask them why they black-holed my ASN in the interview? I'm not above doing that, it's just irritating CF wants to black-hole small ISPs.

Can you get to ?

  • I couldn't, but thx to the OCLC support team, we were able to fix it pretty quickly. MUCH faster than I had expected. I really have to hand it to them, I was expecting a "not my job" sort of response, but got a "Yeah. Lets fix this" attitude and through the OCLC support and tech folk plus CloudFlare (I think) it got fixed in less than 6 hours.

    I'm counting this as a win.

    Also... thx for the suggestion. I'll try that next time if the problem every comes back.

    And... since I can get to the rest of the site, I can also get to this URL.