Comment by MisterTea
2 days ago
> Retired at 43(!) with 75% final pay (annually adjusted) and lifelong medical benefits.
Some go on to another municipal job and get a second pension so they get paid twice as much to do nothing in retirement. I know someone who worked for the USPS then on to the NYC DoE as a janitor in a school. His wife worked for the public school system as well, then went on to work in a catholic school after retirement. Three pensions in one household. They invest a lot into long term investments such as bonds, CD's and the like. I hear they have millions in the bank.
The people who worked those jobs are all sitting pretty right now. I know plenty of people who made out like bandits in various NYC agencies, especially in the DoE. My aunt left her heirs 2.2 million and a house worth a million from her pension money she heavily invested and was still able to travel the world in retirement. She was a secretary in a middle school. Amazing what you can do with tons of free time and money.
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