Comment by femto113

2 days ago

> the AWS team has implemented it poorly by enforcing it

This is whiny and just wrong. Best behavior by default is always the right choice for an SDK. Libraries/tools/clients/SDKs break backwards compatibility all the time. That's exactly what semver version pinning is for, and that's a fundamental feature of every dependency management system.

AWS handled this exactly right IMO. Change was introduced in Python SDK version 1.36.0 which clearly indicatesbreaking API changes, and their changelog also explicitly mentions this new default

   api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] This change enhances integrity protections for new SDK requests to S3. S3 SDKs now support the CRC64NVME checksum algorithm, full object checksums for multipart S3 objects, and new default integrity protections for S3 requests.

I want to see the author using GCP. That's where you get actual compatibility breakages.

You mention semver, yet you also show that this API breaking change was introduced in a minor version.

Not entirely sure that's how things work?

  • You're not wrong - the semver doesn't indicate a breaking API change. But, to be fair, this wasn't a breaking API change.

    Any consumer of this software using it for its intended purpose (S3) didn't need to make any changes to their code when upgrading to this version. As an AWS customer, knowing that when I I upgrade to this version my app will continue working without any changes is exactly what this semver bump communicates to me.

    I believe calling this a feature release is correct.

    • While I agree that the author is just whining about this situation and that AWS did nothing wrong, I'd argue that a change in defaults is a breaking change.

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