Comment by saagarjha
2 days ago
Are these people on the room with us right now? Come on, man. This is a horrible argument to make. Rust has these problems happen exceptionally rarely, in clearly marked places, and when they get fixed they strengthen all the code that relies on it. In C you have these bugs happen every hundred lines of code. It’s not even worth comparing. This is the programming equivalent of bringing up shark attacks versus car crashes.
Sorry, that is not obvious to me. I agree that Rust has an advantage. Still to me it seems there is a chain of arguments where each argument contains a bit of exaggeration: Improving safety in Linux kernel code is super extremely important, memory safety is the most important aspect, Rust gives you basically full memory safety, etc. Each such statement is true to some extend but exaggerated in my opinion. At the same time alternatives to improving safety in C code are downplayed and it is presented has hopelessly bad. So if I take into account all these aspects, then overall I find the full story not as convincing anymore.