Comment by nxobject
2 days ago
Linus is one of the few people who can forcefully argue the case for moderation, and I've recognized some of the lines I've used to shift really contentious meetings back into place. There's the "shot-and-chaser" technique (a) this is what needs to happen now for the conversation...
"I respect you technically, and I like working with you[...] there needs to be people who just stand up to me and tell me I'm full of shit[...] But now I'm calling you out on YOURS."
...and (b) this is me recognizing that me taking charge of a conversation is a different thing than me taking control of your decisions:
"And no, I don't actually think it needs to be all that black-and-white."
(Of course Linus has changed over time for the better, he's recognized that, and I've learned a lot with him and have made amends with old colleagues.)
I really liked this reply from Torvalds. I've seen a lot of his older rants, and while I respect his technical achievements, it really turned me off on the guy himself. I was skeptical of his come-to-jesus moment back in 2018 (or whenever it was), but these days it's great to read his measured responses when there's controversy.
It's really cool to see someone temper their language and tone, but still keep their tell-it-like-it-is attitude. I probably wouldn't feel good if I were Christoph Hellwig reading that reply, but I also wouldn't feel like someone had personally attacked me and screamed at me far out of proportion to what I'd done.