Comment by throwawaymaths

2 days ago

ok... what's the compelling reason why rust's strategy has to be the only way to achieve memory safety?

i think some people would argue RAII but you could trivially just make all deacquisition steps an explicit keyword that must take place in a valid program, and have something (possibly the compiler, possibly not) check that they're there.

I don't think a good conversation can be had if we start by arguing about whether or not "rust's strategy has to be the only way to achieve memory safety".

There are other ways to achieve memory safety. Java's strategy is definitely a valid one; it's just not as suitable for systems programming. The strength of Rust's approach ultimately stems from its basis in affine types -- it is a general purpose and relatively rigorous (though not perfect, see approach to managing resources.

One implication of this is that a point you raised in a message above this one, that "rust's default heap allocation can't be trivially used", actually doesn't connect. All variables in Rust -- stack allocated, allocated on the heap, allocated using a custom allocator like the one in Postgres extensions -- benefit from affine typing.

  • My point about "strategy" is not theoretical, it's implementation. why does your lifetime typing have to be in the compiler? it could be a part of a static checking tool, and get out of the way of routine development, and guarantee safety on release branches via CI for example.

    also you could have affine types without RAII. without macros, etc. etc.

    theres a very wide space of options that are theoretically equivalent to what rust does that are worth exploring for devex reasons.

    • First, let me say that you're bringing up some points that are orthogonal to "rust's strategy" for memory safety. Macros are not part of that strategy, and neither are many other ergonomic curiosities of Rust, and you are right to point out that those could be different without changing the core value proposition of Rust. There is plenty to say about those things, but I think it is better to focus on the points you raise about static analysis to start with.

      Type systems are a form of static analysis tool, that is true; and in principle, they could be substituted by other such tools. Python has MyPy, for example, which provides a static analysis layer. Coverity has long been used on C and C++ projects. However, such tools can not "get out of the way of routine development" -- if they are going to check correctness of the program, they have to check the program; and routine development has to respond to those checks. Otherwise, how do you know, from commit to commit, that the code is sound?

      The alternative is, as other posters have noted, that people don't run the static analysis tool; or run it rarely; both are antipatterns that create more problems relative to an incremental, granular approach to correctness.

      Regarding macros and many other ergonomic features of Rust, those are orthogonal to affine types, that is true; but to the best of my knowledge, Rust is the only language with tightly integrated affine types that is also moderately widely used, moderately productive, has a reasonable build system, package infrastructure and documentation story.

      So when you say "theres a very wide space of options that are theoretically equivalent to what rust does that are worth exploring for devex reasons.", what are those? And how theoretical are they?

      It's probably true, for example, that dependently typed languages could be even better from a static safety standpoint; but it's not clear that we can tell a credible story of improving memory safety in the kernel (or mail servers, database servers, or other large projects) with those languages this year or next year or even five years from now. It is also hard to say what the "devex" story will be, because there is comparatively little to say about the ecosystem for such nascent technologies.

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    • How do you know that those other options haven't been explored, and rejected?

      And remember that your gripes with Rust aren't everyone's gripes. Some of the things you hate about Rust can be things that other people love about Rust.

      To me, I want all that stuff in the compiler. I don't want to have to run extra linters and validators and other crap to ensure I've done the right thing. I've found myself so much more productive in languages where the compiler succeeding means that everything that can (reasonably) be done to ensure correctness according to that language's guarantees has been checked and has passed.

      Put another way, if lifetime checking was an external tool, and rustc would happily output binaries that violate lifetime rules, then you could not actually say that Rust is a memory-safe language. "Memory-safe if I do all this other stuff after the compiler tells me it's ok" is not memory-safe.

      But sure, maybe you aren't persuaded by what I've said above. So what? Neither of us are Linux kernel maintainers, and what we think about this doesn't matter.

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sometimes things just become the thing to use from momentum. I've personally never been that picky about languages. I code in whatever they pay me to code in. I still code most of my personal projects in c++ and python though.

  • sounds like a recipe for stockholm syndrome. dont settle! demand more from your programming languages. losing sleep at 2am because you cant figure out a bug in prod is not worth it!

    • Not OP, but: If they aren’t paying for fixing bugs at 2am I’m not fixing bugs at 2am. Simple :)