Comment by LAC-Tech

2 days ago

Mainly the Beautiful Mind stuff about the Boost logo being a dog whistle for the SS, and also "Cosmopolitan" clearly being a reference to Stalin's "Rootless Cosmopolitanism".

Also it's it's very disjointed, long, and incoherent. Classic schizo post.

That logo thing is super fishy. According to It cost $12000 to design professionally, yet it was dropped from the site after staying there only two months.

If you look at the USPTO bw image, it immedeately invokes Schutzstaffel if you ever have seen their insignia, and only later you kinda maybe see it is a "B"

For a paid professional logo design, not being aware of, like, one of the most widely known evil logos after swastika, I mean, ok.

Plus the whole "we want to own your logo trademark please" with regards to an opensource project, what even actually is going on there

  • So the conspiracy is they paid 12,000 for a temporary logo that had a hidden SS insgnia, for 2 months?

    If you were a neo-nazi, do you think that's how you'd spend $12,000? Like is that the best bang for your buck, to maybe catch all those impressionable young men browsing the C++ boost library website, and subliminally bring them to your cause with your dashing B logo with a hidden mangled half of the SS insignia? Your local neo-nazi group would find a new treasurer immediately if you pulled a stunt like that!

    Anyway, if this shocks you, wait until you find it out the windows logo has a hidden swastika.

    • The thing about dogwhistles is that they are designed to communicate to like-minded people in a way that can be explained awatly while also making anyone that is attuned to them to sound crazy if they try to point them out. Remember the white-power/ok symbol? The milk emoji? Pepe the frog? Marble statues?

      3 replies →

    • I am sorry if my "something fishy" didn't come across clearly enough. It does not have to be a nazi conspiracy for something to make no sense and look really suspicious.

      I mean, hey, I paid for and registered all rights to this emblem, would you so kindly put it on every thing you are making? I promise not to charge you for it.

      Whatever is that even? Were they dying because of lack of registered logo?

      And no, first thing that comes to mind when seeing windows logo is not "wow nazi symbol".

      As I tried saying previously, this logo thing looks supremely fishy.

      To imply that the only motive behind it all was putting SS insignia up is taking argument to an absurd extreme. Do you argue that one's ideology cannot influence such things as logo design, unless it is the sole purpose behind it?

That's why I kind of appreciate it though—I miss when this style of posting was more commonplace. But it's disingenuous to pretend that it's not extremely unhinged through and through.