Comment by maxlin
2 days ago
Saying that Musk "doesn't have the mindset" for betterment of humanity is just ignorant in a very short-sighted way. Sure, he currently has a side project of fixing the US government and ensuring US doesn't stray too far outside of its core interests, but SpaceX and Tesla are still his bread and butter he has spent most of his time on beside this scenic route.
I've followed him closely since ~2016 so I can say this with some conviction. He's exactly the same guy he was back then. He even talks of the exact same things with the same excitement. Sure, "American boots on MARS!" instead of just "boots on Mars" like he did after the inauguration, but it's quite clear he has seen US falling apart as a existential risk for the more lofty goals especially SpaceX has for Humanity.
> I've followed him closely since ~2016 so I can say this with some conviction.
Its sad that you fell for it then. Read Phillip Long's post on him, not someone who follows him but someone who has worked with him for years. It should be eye opening in the kind of man he is.
There will be no Mars terraforming, his goal is being the worlds first trillionaire. The emperor has no clothes, the companies run despite him not because of him and the cult of personality only appeals to people who somehow still fall for it.
Thanks, I think I know him pretty much as there is to know. People will try to shoot him down and project their own demons on him. He's an actual maverick who provably has lead his technological companies to success as a Technological lead.
Here's a take by people who have had actual direct contact with him.
The arguments against his capability to lead cross-field technical operations should be disproven by his successes that he has proven several times in sequence. The argument of him being a fraud is basically hinging on him rolling d20 several times in a row, and only acceptable to those not knowing his personality and attributing his actions to malice (through self-projection of the viewer). Philip's arguments tell as much.
He's done plenty enemies while at it! Wouldn't really expect anything else being as disruptive as raw autism in fixing the species might be. They'll fade.
Look past what he says and into what is actually happening.
He is actively helping take health care from poor people. He is firing thousands of people with families, mortgages and medical bills without cause. He is closing our national parks. All so he can personally have a tax cut.
His ex-wife is frantically posting for him to help with the healthcare of their own son in his replies. He can't even manage his family I don't think he has the betterment of humanity on his mind.
I believe it's quite easy to look at any humans actions and cherry pick a narrative of malfeasance or malice if that's what you're looking for.
Musk does a lot of things at a very high level publicly so I think it's an even easier task. I'm sure you'll disagree but I believe it's this false narrative and who's creating it that you should be doubting.
Many people don't have a problem with a lot of what Musk has done. He's not perfect and does make mistakes which he openly admits like any sane rational person should. I do believe his good intent is there and he generally tries to right wrongs.
I'm watching closely what he does and sometimes I have my doubts. If I ever see him actually cross a line I'll change my mind. For now, most of the narrative has been pretty typical fake news and timeless partisan disagreement on methods of governance.
So ... Because people who could bear families, but could not earn a living are being "left on dire straits", and Elon is against upkeeping such an unearned situation, Elon's the bad guy?
The vision that sees this as bad is obviously tainted by corruption, and is so not worth of care especially as the people leaving their jobs will have a damn good golden parachute.
At least try to argue on the same level.
There was a time when I was this naive, but it's surely a very long time ago
Congratulations you're just naive to things that are easier to believe for a weak mind now.
I think you've been drinking the koolaid too much. He's only in it to enrich himself and his cronies. There's a reason he's on course to become a trillionaire and it ain't because of altruism.
Yeah starting a rocket company is the best way to become rich. As so many before him managed doing that xd
get a grip. Research how financially mad / "irresponsible" that was.
I'm well aware of SpaceX's history. I've read Eric Berger's book and have been a hopper watcher. None of what you said detracts from the fact there's a reason he's on target to becoem a trillionare and it's not altruism. I see you've drunk too much of the koolaid too.
He is not fixing anything, he is just a human, the kind with flaws, that thinks he isn't.
The argument here is that Elon thinks he is perfect while he isn't, and that makes everything good he does bad. This can so easily debunked it's not really worth a thought.
"Fixing" the US government
If removing bloat isn't fixing, idk what is on your standard.
Do you really think the people he's getting rid of are material to the mission of the agencies themselves, given even those missions are as relevant as they were when they were founded?
X sure is doing well with 20% of the crew regadless of the doomsayers screaming how it would crash at the time xD
Tesla proved that an EV can be more than a compromise. Everyone else was behind them after their success. Just look at recent history. Leveraging capitalism to actually create a market that is not just ideological but makes sense for people to choose AS A GOOD CAR AGAINST ICE CARS absolutely was the lynchpin.
Even 10+ year old Teslas are a good investment btw, especially if you're going for the 100% environmental angle. I recommend researching the endurance of their batteries.
Calling AfD neo-nazis while their beliefs are something Germans ardently against their bad history a short time ago would be country-wide is not very informed.
Any argument of "Democracy being interfered with" helplessly just sounds like loser talk. Like, if someone sells and idea and people vote for it, only an antidemocratic mindset would be so against that. Sorry. "Not again" all you want. Anyone could push that. Recommend looking at forces against freedom of speech and their relation to bad history instead :)
> Leveraging capitalism
You mean that including all the government help?
> especially if you're going for the 100% environmental angle.
Again, in the US. Because the US is very, very, very bad on the environmental angle. Pretty much everywhere else in the world, the environmental angle is not to drive a heavy sports car. Because it's electric doesn't mean it doesn't use energy. If you're going for the 100% environmental angle, go for a small car, or better public transports, or better a bike. Which is obviously impossible pretty much everywhere in the US.
> Like, if someone sells and idea and people vote for it, only an antidemocratic mindset would be so against that.
You do realise that totalitarian systems "sell" ideas to their people, right? There is nothing particularly democratic in the notion of convincing people of your truth.
> Calling AfD neo-nazis while their beliefs are something Germans ardently against their bad history a short time ago would be country-wide is not very informed.
I don't understand what the hell you are trying to say here.