Comment by bdhcuidbebe

1 day ago

Right, so this is a way to bend the world to your will.

The reason css properties have a standardized spelling is not to make fun of british spelling, but to have a standard that everyone could follow for interopabilitys sake.

If youre such a british language purist that you go this route, you will need to port/retrofit this hack to your future projects or you will once more have to debug why ”colour” doesnt do anything in your css declaration.

This is anti progression and a non-solution.

In addition, running this hack on the client side (really, why??) has additional downsides as color wont render right until after page load.

A solution for this non-issue would be scss preprocessor variable, something like this:

    $colour = ”color”

    table {
        $colour: red;

TLDR: css is a standard, so learn it and work with it, not against it.