Comment by -__---____-ZXyw

1 day ago

Workers in tech jobs over the past few decades are the ones who are primarily to blame for the total degradation of the very notion of privacy, and our societies are, I think, reaping the consequences of this now in many ways.

This story didn't spring up out of nowhere, like a monster from under the bed. It's been a gradual decline since, let's say, the 90s or so.

I don't want to be vulgar, but the people who understood the best what was happening were mostly too busy taking large paychecks to get too upset about the whole thing. It got explained away, rationalised, joked about, and here we are.

Easier to push away the blame for a foot soldier, claiming to do things on orders or claiming to be absolutely f clueless where it leads, one is worse than the other. Thousands had to make this work and function as it is.

Still, this is a different topic than the government use of law enforcement for preserving the shity situation that was built by the industry and its actors just when the trend becomes of fixing what was made to be crap, just when people want to correct the f up of the ignorant collaborants.